
Some hints / scripts in this blog are of my own creation, some collected from internet. I wish to give credit to the original creator even if I forget to do so in individual posts.

Apr 16, 2008

Automatic screen rotate for N810

After testing the taskbar applet to rotate the screen in my N810, I thought it would be much easier to use the power key to initiate rotation.

Also when opening the keyboard, I wanted the screen to automatically rotate to landscape to be able to see what I was writing and return to portrait mode when the keyboard is closed.

Now it can be done:

This package provides the following functions:
-screen is rotated to portrait / landscape mode by
a) pressing the power key
b) pressing and holding the Application switch key for more than one second.

If the keyboard is opened when the screen is rotated to portrait mode, it will be rotated to landscape mode.

When the keyboard is closed, the screen is rotated back to portrait mode, if it was already in portrait mode when the keyboard was opened.

You will need to install the xserver-xomap with RandR support, as well as flash the kernel with RrandR support before this package will do anything. Since the updated components can't be a dependecy, you are required to do it yourself.

This one-click-install
will provide you with an updateable xserver-xomap if you are not already using it.

After the package installation is complete, update the xserver-xomap by either the application manager or apt-get.

Then flash your N810 with this kernel and reboot to complete the installation

If you do not know how to flash the kernel or update the xserver-xomap, you are advised not to install this package at all, as you may brick your device while experimenting.

The RandR supporting kernel and xserver-xomap are provided by http://sse2.net/rotate/

If you don't like to have the power menu appear when using the power key to initiate rotation,
edit /etc/mce/mce.ini:


Then you can rotate the screen with a short press, but still can access the menu with long press, or double-clicking it.

Support/feature requests/discussion/current features etc. in Internet tablet talk forums

Apr 15, 2008

sky right now

Apr 14, 2008

Kinetic scrolling with Greasemonkey by binauralbeat

Original thread

// ==UserScript==
// @name Kinetic
// @namespace
// @include *
// @description
// ==/UserScript==

var MAX_VELOCITY = 5000;

var scrollBy;
var sintv;
var startY = 0;
var endY = 0;
var startTime;
var endTime;
var timeScrolled;
var distanceScrolled;
var velocity;
var direction;

var intervalCount = 0;

function setStartY(e){
startY = e.pageY;
startTime = new Date();

function startScroll(e){
endY = e.pageY;
endTime = new Date();
if(e.pageX < 700){ // 700 should be innerwidth of window ... change me
Scroll(startY, endY, startTime, endTime);

function Scroll(stY,enY,stTime,enTime){

timeScrolled = (enTime.getSeconds()+ enTime.getMilliseconds()/1000) -


if(timeScrolled < TIME_THRESHOLD){

distanceScrolled = Math.abs(enY - stY);

velocity = (distanceScrolled / timeScrolled);

if(velocity > MAX_VELOCITY){
velocity = MAX_VELOCITY;

//get direction
if(enY > stY){
direction = -1;
direction = 1;

sintv = setInterval(scrollIt, 10);


function scrollIt(){

intervalCount +=1;

var cseconds = 1+intervalCount/100;

scrollBy = (velocity*0.098)/(cseconds*cseconds);

if(scrollBy > 2){
window.scrollBy(0,parseInt(scrollBy * direction));


function stopScroll(){

direction = 0;
velocity = 0;
intervalCount = 0;
distanceToScroll = 0;

Apr 10, 2008

Samba messages to NIT

Samba messages to NIT

In your Linux desktop that gets the actual samba messages:

edit /etc/samba/smb.conf

message command = /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/linpopup "%f" "%m" %s;sudo -u your_username /usr/local/bin/n810sambamessage "%f@ %m says: $(cat %s)";rm %s' &

restart samba

sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

sudo visudo

nobody ALL=(your_username) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/n810sambamessage
nobody ALL=(your_username) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/aplay

create a file /usr/local/bin/n810sambamessage

ssh -x root@ip-or-hostname-of-the-NIT /usr/local/bin/sambamessage $@

make it executable

chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/n810sambamessage

create rsa key

ssh-keygen -t rsa

copy the key to the NIT

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@ip-or-hostname-of-the-NIT

In the tablet:

create a file /usr/local/bin/sambamessage

run-standalone.sh dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.Notifications /org/freedesktop/Notifications org.freedesktop.Notifications.SystemNoteDialog string:"$message" uint32:0 string:'OK'

make it executable

chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/sambamessage

Now, when your desktop receives a samba message, it will also be displayed in your NIT when you are in the same network.


Lircd emulator for use with irreco

#lirc daemon emulator for using irreco to remote control your mythfrontend by emulating a real lirc daemon but instead of transmitting infrared signals
#the button presses are mapped to system() commands as per instrucions in the configuration file
#this is my very first Perl script ever, so everything could probably be done much better, but hey, at least it works as expected.
#emjayes 10.4.2008
#Thank you Arto Karppinen et al for creating such a great piece of software for Internet tablet users.
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use Sys::Hostname;
eval "require(Proc::Daemon)";
die "Proc::Daemon not installed \nrun:\nsudo apt-get install libproc-daemon-perl\nor:\ncpan install Proc::Daemon\nto install\n" if $@;
use Proc::Daemon;
my $host = hostname();
my @keys = ();
my @actions = ();
my $numkeys = ();
my $keynum = ();
if (grep /^-h|^--help/, @ARGV){{print "\nUsage: $0 [option]\n\t\t\t--nodaemon\tdo not daemonize\n\t\t\t--stop\t\tstop the running lircdemulator\n";}{exit}}
if (grep /^--stop/, @ARGV){{print "Stopping running lircd emulator\n";}{system("killall lircdemulator>/dev/null 2>&1")}}
if (! -e "$ENV{ HOME }/.lircdemulator"){
{print "Configuration file $ENV{ HOME }/.lircdemulator does not exist, creating a sample configuration file.\n\nEdit it to match your needs and run again\n"};
{open(CREATECONFIG, "> $ENV{ HOME }/.lircdemulator") or die "Unable to write example configuration to $ENV{ HOME }/.lircdemulator\n";}
{print CREATECONFIG "#The format of the configfile is:\n#keyname action\n#for example:\n#button_name echo \n
#Configure the IPADDR if you do not wish to listen on all interfaces\nIPADDR=\n#Configure the port you want to listen to. Do not use 8765 if you also have a real lirc daemon running\nPORT=9999\n
#here are some working samples if you have mythfrontend installed with Network Remote Control interface enabled.\nmyth_up echo key up|nc -q0 localhost 6546\nmyth_down echo key down|nc -q0 localhost 6546
myth_right echo key right|nc -q0 localhost 6546\nmyth_left echo key left|nc -q0 localhost 6546\nmyth_escape echo key escape|nc -q0 localhost 6546\nmyth_menu echo key m|nc -q0 localhost 6546
myth_volup echo key f11|nc -q0 localhost 6546\nmyth_voldown echo key f10|nc -q0 localhost 6546\neject eject\nclose_drive eject -t\n
#the whole line minus keyname is called as system(&) when corresponding key is pressed in irreco interface.
#the config file is read at start only, You will need to restart the emulator if the config file is modified";}
{die "lircd emulator not started.\n"};}

open(CONFIG, "< $ENV{ HOME }/.lircdemulator" ) or die "Unable to open configuration file\n"; #open the configuration file
while (){
if (grep /PORT/, $_ ) {{s/\s*//g;}{chomp ($port=substr($_,5))}{$_=""};}
if (grep /IPADDR/, $_ ) {{s/\s*//g;}{chomp ($ipaddr=substr($_,7))}{$_=""};}
s/^#.*//; #ignore comment lines
s/^\s+//; #ignore leading blank
chomp; #remove linefeeds
unless ($_ =~ /^()$/) {push (@actions,"$_ &\n")}; #push valid commands to @actions appending & so the execution will return without delay
s/\s*(\w+).*/$1/; #strip to the keyname
unless ($_ =~ /^()$/) {$keynum = $keynum +1,$numkeys = push (@keys,"$keynum $_\n")}; #push valid keys to @keys
close(CONFIG); #close the configuration file
if (! system("echo ping|nc -q0 $ipaddr $port>/dev/null 2>&1")){{print "Port $port already in use\n";}{exit}}
print "lircd emulator listening on $ipaddr:$port\n";
if (! grep /^--nodaemon/, @ARGV) {Proc::Daemon::Init;} #daemonize the script if --nodaemon was not passed
while (forever){ #run until explicitly killed
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET( #create a network socket to listen to
LocalHost => $ipaddr, #listen on all interfaces, alter if needed
LocalPort => $port, #do not use 8765 if you have a real lir daemon running as well
Proto => 'tcp',
Listen => 1,
Reuse => 1,
die "Could not create Socket: $!\n" unless $sock; #die if the port or address is already used
my $new_sock = $sock->accept();
while(<$new_sock>) {
my $client_sockaddr = getpeername($new_sock);
my ($port, $iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($client_sockaddr);
my $client_straddr = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
print "Client $client_straddr requested $_";
if (/^LIST$/){ #the client requests the number and names of remotes available. We have just 1, named
print $new_sock "BEGIN\nLIST\nSUCCESS\nDATA\n1\n$host\nEND\n"; #reply to the client
if (/^LIST $host$/){ #the client requests the available "buttons"
print $new_sock "BEGIN\nLIST $host\nSUCCESS\nDATA\n",$numkeys,"\n",@keys,"END\n"; #send the available buttons
if (/^SEND_ONCE $host\ /){ #client has pressed a button
{$strip=(length ("SEND_ONCE $host "))}; #calculate the length of characters to be stipped
{$string = substr($_,0,$strip)=""}; #remove SEND_ONCE $host from $_ and save that to $string
{@action = grep(/^$string*\b/, @actions)}; #get the line containing the button pressed from available actions
chomp $string; #remove linefeed from the string
{$key = $_}; #set the key to match the button pressed so we can use it in the reply
{$action = substr((join " ", @action),(length("$string")+1))}; #create a command string from the array
{print $new_sock "BEGIN\n\SEND_ONCE ",$host," ",$key,"SUCCESS\nEND\n"}; #reply client
system("export LIRCCLIENT=$client_straddr; $action"); #run the command
chomp $action;
print "Running system(\"$action\")\n";
close($new_sock)}; #close the socket and start waiting for a new connection

in ~/.lircdemulator these lines make it possible to push your NIT screen to the server.

vnc (ssh root@$LIRCCLIENT DISPLAY=:0.0 x11vnc -noncache -nopw -quiet -xrandr & ) ;sleep 6 ;DISPLAY=:0.0 vncviewer $LIRCCLIENT
closevnc kill -9 `ps -ef |grep -v grep |grep "vncviewer $LIRCCLIENT"|awk '{printf $2" "}'` ; ssh root@$LIRCCLIENT killall x11vnc

Apr 9, 2008

Pipe, tab and dollarsign for the hardware keyboard.

pipe tab and dollarsign for the hardware keyboard:
vi /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-44

In section:

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "fisenoda" {
name[Group1] = "Finnish/Swedish/Norwegian/Danish";

key { [ comma, semicolon, bar, bar ] };
key { [ period, colon, dollar, dollar ] }

In section:

partial default alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "base" {

key { [ space, space, Tab, Tab ] };

Now, pressing FN - , gives | (pipe)
FN - . gives $ (dollarsign)
FN-Space gives Tab.